CBD Products With A Mission

CBD farming in greenhouse

Our Products

Products for every use. Quality that you deserve.

You don't deserve left-overs or low quality. You deserve the best for you and your body. That's why our products are grown and produced in-house. In addition, all of our tinctures are full-strain and grown to the highest standards. And instead of the traditional method of using the leftover stems and leaves to produce less potent product, we use the actual flower in all of our tinctures. So, when we say you're getting the best, we mean it!

CBD Oil Dropper

CBD Tinctures

Shop CBD Tinctures for Day, Night or general use. Each tincture has multiples flavor options as well.

CBD Capsules

Shop 15 or 30 packs of CBD capsules for both Daytime and Nighttime.

CBD Oil Dropper

CBD Oil For Pets

We offer CBD Oil for Pets in Mixed, Sativa and Indica Strains. You can also add flavoring options for your furry friend!

Dog on CBD Farm

Our Story

What started as a last-hope treatment for our beloved pet and evolved to include our own personal health testimonies. Our journey with plant-based wellness eventually led to us growing, producing, and selling custom blends of pure CBD products to people around the country.

Hand holding CBD oil


Real people who've experience the restorative effects of SZ87 CBD products.

Restoring Souls

At SZ87, our passion goes beyond providing the restorative oil for bodily health. Through our nonprofit, Restoration Ministries of Jesus, we provide Bibles, teaching materials, and musical instruments to people in Pakistan, South Asia, Turkey, Nigeria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and other nations. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, all profits from SZ87 go directly to support Restoration Ministries of Jesus!

Potted Plant from CBD Farm

SZ87 isn’t your average CBD oil. We do things a little different.

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CBD oil and cannabis leaves

Our Store

Customizable Tinctures for every use.

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