Person praying for healing

Healing is Possible

Person praying for healing

Healing is Possible

We’re very excited to have a guest author on the blog this month! Matt Donnelly founded Matthew Donnelly Ministries twenty years ago. He has served the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, itinerant Evangelist, and in missions. Now, Matthew is serving the Lord as an author. His goal is to share liberating truths that connect people to God’s love and life! His most recent book, Capturing Heaven: Why You Don’t Have to Suffer is available now for purchase. This book explores the book of Job and proves through scripture that God is not the source of our suffering!

As a minister who has studied out sickness and suffering throughout the Bible, we asked Matt to write a short piece on healing & the power of healing prayer. Here’s what he had to say.

James 5:14–15 (KJV 1900):  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:  15  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.

Healing is available to every person that will put their faith in the name of Jesus Christ! 

The Scriptures guarantee a divine cure when three elements are combined:

3-Oil in the name of the Lord

There is no ambiguity in this text. Jesus heals and it is accessible. It is not locked away for the chosen few, but is made accessible as if it has been deposited into a bank account. And just like a bank account, we are required to have the right account number. 
That is what James so beautifully writes for us in the quoted Scriptures above. 

The oil is not magical, but is a natural, tangible representation of the work of the Holy Spirit upon our bodies. The oil becomes a point of contact as we put our faith in the Lord and turn to him for our healing! Jesus paid the price on the cross for us to inherit the riches of redemption. Today, if you are sick, obey the word of God, put your faith in Jesus and receive healing. God is as tangible as oil and he wants to heal you today! Hallelujah!

Matt's Book, Capturing Heaven: Why You Don't Have to Suffer